Giving Wings to Those in Need
Your donations help us serve our mission to provide life-giving transportation to patients who cannot travel commercially. Our pilots donate their time and often their aircraft to help support our cause. But, it’s the generosity of donors like you that pays for the fuel we need to make each trip.
Every mile in the air costs:
dollar for aviation fuel
The average trip is about
This means for about $65/ month, you can support one life-giving flight per year. Your support helps us keep our pilots in the air.
Give Wings to Those in Need

Wings of Mercy is a 501(c)(3) organization. Individual contributors may take a tax deduction for charitable contributions to organizations qualified as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Thank you for taking our precious grandson to the hospital in Green Bay, Wisconsin, so he could have his heart checked. You are the tangible arms of Jesus.
It is important to us, for all of you in this fine organization, to know that you have made a difference.
This organization has helped my husband twice, we were not in any financial position years ago to help out, but since last year we are very proud to be able to give something back. Thanks for all you do!
Wow, a young man with a beautiful wife at his side and four young children at home given hope at one of the best medical facilities in the world and your organization made it possible.
It warms my heart to know that people in this world still care about each other and do whatever it takes to help someone in need. You saved my life and I can never say thank you enough.
They are very kind and friendly people! They are willing to go out of their way to help you. The flight was better than I expected. I flew on a non-pressurized flight with my Asthma, at 6,000 feet up I had no problems. I wish I knew about Wings of Mercy back in 2012 before I had family members drive me twice to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Thank you all! You are very good hearted!
We are most thankful for the wonderful pilots who volunteer their time and resources to make our medical appointment trips less stressful. The staff work hard to accommodate our travel needs and do a nice job communicating.
Wings of Mercy has helped our family several times to get our daughter back and forth from VA to Mi. They are an amazing organization and full of compassion. Thank you for all of your continued help.
Wings of Mercy has not only helped me get to needed medical treatments, but also, enabled me to return home for visits with my family. I can’t say enough good about this organization.
*First names have been modified to protect the anonymity of our patients.