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We need your hands and feet! Throughout the year, we host several fundraising events that help us support our pilots and grow our ministry. To learn about upcoming opportunities, visit our news & events page. Otherwise, contact us below and share with us how you would like to serve or find out where we need help most.

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Recent & Upcoming Events

Wings of Mercy Golf Outing

Wings of Mercy Golf Outing

There is still time to register for the 2024 Wings of Mercy Golf Outing on Wednesday, September 11 at The Meadows at GVSU in Allendale, MI. The event is a four-person, best ball scramble on one of the top ranked college courses in the country. Check-in begins at 8 AM and the Shotgun Start is at 9 AM. The suggested donation is $125/person and includes a catered, tailgate style lunch.

Use this link to register.

All proceeds will benefit Wings of Mercy.

Register for the Wings West Runway 5k

Register for the Wings West Runway 5k

Register today for the Wings West Runway 5k which will be held on Saturday, August 17 as part of Aviation Day at West Michigan Regional Airport. You are going to love this flat, fast course as well as the free pancake breakfast at the end. Bring the whole family and enjoy all of the aviation fun! Register Here.

The run starts at 8 AM. Packet pick-up starts at 7 AM at the West Michigan Regional Airport Terminal.

Holland CareAffaire and Runway 5k

Holland CareAffaire and Runway 5k

Please make plans to join us for the 2024 Holland CareAffaire and Wings West Runway 5k to be held on Saturday, August 17 from 8 AM to Noon. This event will be part of Aviation Day at West Michigan Regional Airport (KBIV). There will be a Pancake Breakfast, a Young Eagles Rally, Classic Car Show, and much, much more. You can register now for the Wings West Runway 5k at Wings of Mercy West Runway 5K ( Your registration includes a t-shirt and pancake breakfast.